Thai-style swordfish steaks

The Thai-style swordfish steaks I made last Thursday night looked so restaurant-like over a fluffy scoop of wasabi mashed potatoes, that I ruined it all by sneaking a bite before I had the chance to take a picture.The potatoes were incredibly flavorful and simple, but took longer to boil than I expected.So by the time we were ready to eat, it was after 9pm and I was ravenous.Im not entirely sure that the lively flavors in the fish dish went with the spicy taters, but both were so good on their own (and again, I was ravenous) that we enjoyed every bite.Next time (if there is a next time, you know I rarely make something twice no matter how hard I try) I think a simple salmon fillet would be perfect with the wasabi potatoes, and the flavorful fish would go best with plain rice as the recipe suggests.Also, I added yellow peppers to the fish for an extra touch of veggies, and would do that again.Good crunch.
Lots went on over the weekend Friday I got Lasik eye surgery (omega-3s can only do so much for the eyes!) and Sunday my sister Carlie and her friend Connie arrived for a week-long visit.We made a light lemony fish dish for their post-flight meal, which Ill post tomorrow.Heres the rest of this weeks supper plan
Wine and pupus party
Out to eat