Supper Plan Sunday (delayed)

Sorry for the delayed weekend wrap-up – I was a little rusty
yesterday after three full days of leisure.
But I got up this morning, went on a nice jog, and am now back in to the
swing of things.

The Big
Island was so much fun. Our first morning, we ate a hearty breakfast
of shrimp eggs Benedict along the Kona waterfront. Good call on the heartiness, because our
stargazing tour that afternoon required some endurance – we didn’t get home
until after midnight, but it was well
worth it.

shrimp eggs benedict

kona waterfront

mauna kea

We spent the first half of the Fourth of July scuba diving,
and then went to a parade before dinner.
Our restaurant choice revolved solely around a view of the fireworks,
but as it turned out, Kona Inn also had delicious food. We split this ahi tuna sandwich with potato
salad (patriotic!) on the side.

ahi sandwich


On our last day we drove across the island to Volcanoes National Park,
and had an unexpectedly gourmet pizza lunch in the town of Volcano, HI.
The super thin crust combined with the pesto, cheese, and anchovies on
top made for a salty, crispy treat to fuel our day at the Park.

pizza with anchovies


I had to include homemade pizza in my Super Plan Sunday this
week so I can try my hand at thin crust.


Apple, pear, and walnut salad; turkey burgers


Crab enchiladas (substituting for shrimp); green salad with roasted garlic dressing


Homemade pizza


Chef Lloyd Scallop piccata on angel hair


Leftovers/out to