Speedy scallops

Regardless of what you have planned this weekend, clear a meal – dinner tonight, lunch tomorrow, Sunday brunch…whatever it takes – for Seared
with Champagne


I made it last night and it was restaurant-good. It’s also probably a grocery-free meal,
meaning that you should have just about everything you need (or a variation of
everything you need – e.g., I replaced the asparagus in the risotto recipe with
peas and black olives) on hand. Ok…maybe
not everyone keeps a couple packs of frozen scallops in their freezer like I
do, but if so, you’re set!

I will admit, the risotto requires a moderate stir commitment. But it’s really not too bad – less than 30
minutes, which goes by quickly, especially if you’re sipping a glass of
champagne. Plus any amount of time you consider exorbitant that goes in to the risotto, will be easily compensated for by the extreemly speedy scallops (1.5 minutes per side!). Have a wonderful weekend.