Sonoran shrimp scampi

Our Valentines Day dinner plans went through the following progression in the McGuire household:
Lets go out to eat -> All the restaurants are booked up, lets just make something special at home -> How about a decadent shrimp scampi dish? -> (After looking up old-school shrimp scampi recipes) We dont even have that much butter in our home. How about a healthful shrimp scampi dish?
So, thats what we did. If youre expecting shrimp swimming in fat and garlic, Sonoran shrimp scampi may not be the recipe for you; but if you just want a delicious shrimp dish, Id definitely recommend it. We loved the built-in veggies and the kick from the poblanos. One tip: Either add the shrimp later in the process or set them aside as you heat the peppers, etc. because shrimp only need about 2-3 minutes of heat total.