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Health Press Release
Media Urged to Use Caution in Reporting on Latest Study on Sushi and Mercury
April 22, 2010, Washington, D.C. The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) is urging reporters and editors to exercise caution when reporting on a study concerning sushi tuna and mercury that was recent...
Health Press Release
Media Should Treat Latest Study on Tuna and Mercury With Skepticism
MEDIA ADVISORY April 21, 2010, Washington, D.C. The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) is encouraging reporters and editors to contact the Institute directly before completing any reporting about a ...
Health Blog
When you have a platform like the highest rated morning news program for going on two decades it means you have a large and loyal audience. It also means you have an even greater responsibility to be ...
Uncategorized Blog
Dr. Oz claims to be one of the biggest proponents of eating fish but time and time again when it comes to seafood science he comes close to getting it right or he just misses altogether.After a recent...
Health Blog
As you might know from this blog weve had a number of interactions with A & Es History and the Dr. Oz show in the past few weeks. The two case studies stand in stark contrast to each other and now som...
Health Blog
You may come across a Health Day article about the UNLV study we told you about last week. You'll remember it started with that Las Vegas Journal Review piece that we worked to put some perspective o...
Health Blog
Dr. Oz — Way Off On Fish Facts (III)
Imagine this; you hear your doctor dispensing questionable advice that you know contradicts the latest science and demonstrably confuses two distinctly different topics. So, you call him on it.What do...
Health Blog
Common Sense Questions And Answers
Just the other day a question appeared on Yahoo Answers that asked: What is up with Mercury and Fish? If fish is so bad for people, why have Asian cultures eaten it for thousands of years with no ...
Uncategorized Blog
Common Sense Questions And Answers
Just the other day a question appeared on Yahoo Answers that asked: What is up with Mercury and Fish? If fish is so bad for people, why have Asian cultures eaten it for thousands of years with ...
Uncategorized Blog
Las Vegas Journal Review And Canned Tuna
This morning the Las Vegas Journal Review printed a story about a UNLV report that tested mercury in canned tuna. Several days ago the Journal Review reached out to NFI for some perspective on the pe...