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  • Sustainability Blog

    Eco-Activists Manipulate NYT’s Mark Bittman

    In 2008, the New York Times publicized a bogus study from an activist group testing mercury levels in sushi, prompting the papers public editor to admit the article was less balanced than it should ha...

  • Health Blog

    Environmental Defense Fund tells parents to ignore doctors, scientists, and federal health authorities

    Who should Americans trust more for nutrition advice: doctors, dietitians and the Food & Drug Administration or radical environmental activists? The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) thinks its the la...

  • Health Blog

    A Victory for Sanity and the American Public

    Like clowns out of a VW Bug, a ridiculous parade of celebrities, quack TV doctors, and fringe environmental activists have been insisting for years that eating seafood is dangerous.Peoples brains and ...

  • Sustainability Press Release

    10 Questions Reporters Should Ask Greenpeace

    April 15, 2013 WASHINGTON, DC Reporters tempted to turn a quick story out of an impending Greenpeace press release about American retailers seafood sustainability practices are challenged to actuall...

  • Sustainability Press Release

    New Campaign Informs Retailers of Greenpeace Seafood Ranking Hypocrisy

    A new education initiative from the National Fisheries Institute (NFI) documents ongoing manipulation of facts, self-serving tactics, and ulterior financial motives behind Greenpeaces annual seafood s...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Mercury Policy Project (MPP)

    The Mercury Policy Project’s (MPP) campaign “to eliminate mercury use and reduce mercury exposure” is based on fear, deceit and science denialism. For publicity and political impact, MPP acti...

  • Health Blog

    Shopping for Fish on a Budget

    Omega-3s and heart health

    Often touted as a superfood, fish delivers a boatload of omega-3 fatty acids that are so beneficial to the heart. Seafood is rich in nutrients and protein with few...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

    Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) activists describe themselves as “pragmatic environmental advocates” who are “grounded in science.” But EDF lobbyists, “experts,” attorneys, celebrity talk...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Doctors

    Causing Harm Since: 2010. The Doctors is a daytime television show that hopes viewers will tune in for “critical information to make informed and intelligent health care decisions.” In reality...

  • Health Blog

    CBS Misses the Mark on Mercury

    Whats happening at CBS? Last night, someone forgot to fact-check this online headline: Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish. That new study was neither published nor peer-review...