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Displaying results 1771-1780 of 1

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Pain before Breakfast

    This morning I went to "Pain before Breakfast" - a 5-mile run that the JAGs, and any ambitious significant others, embark on every Thursday at 5:30am. Not particularly pleasurable, but now that I'm wo...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Our new kitchen

    It's 8:00am sharp, and I'm listening out my window to trumpets blasting "The Star-Spangled Banner." No, this isn't in honor of Election Day - it's a daily tradition at Naval Station Newport, where I...

  • Health Blog

    Seafood tasting

    As of 1:00am this morning (delayed flight followed by dead car) I am back from Chicago. It was a wonderful trip. The highlight was a half day "Fish School" workshop we held at the Washburne Culin...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Guides, Lists, Logs, Contradictions and Confusion

    Let me start by saying we are not opposed to efforts to educate people about seafood sustainability. In fact sustainable seafood is the life blood of our community. It's important for consumers to und...

  • Health Blog


    Today I'm writing from Chicago, where I've been since Friday and will stay through Tuesday for the biggest gathering of registered dietitians there is - the American Dietetic Association Food and Nutr...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Get The Lead (make that mercury) Out

    What would you think if someone sent you a gift promoting a sushi pocket guide that was supposed to, among other things, help protect you from the perceived evils of things like mercury... but the gif...

  • Health Blog


    Today I read a little article in the Dallas Morning News about a 12-year-old girl who chooses to eat pescetarian style. This means no meat or poultry, but fish is welcome. This is actually a fairly c...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Reuters Is Not Above Reproach (II)

    According to the Reuters blog that tracks and responds to reader reactions to mistakes, none of its 2,500 reporters have made a mistake that's been called too its attention in the last 6 days. Wow, t...

  • Health Blog

    New York Sushi

    This past weekend, Lloyd and I were in New York visiting friends and enjoying fall in the city. I also attempted to go veil shopping, but failed miserably because I have no idea what I want. ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Confusing Guidance

    Here come the guides-- the Blue Ocean Institute, the Environmental Defense Fund and the Monterey Bay Aquarium have all launched sustainable sushi guides that not only conflict with red and green lists...