salmon in Seattle

Sunday night through most of Monday I travelled an unnecessarily high amount of hours from Hawaii to San Francisco to Klamath Falls, Oregon to Portland to Seattle.The three stops were due to a cancelled connecting flight, something I fortunately rarely have to deal with because, man alive, it throws a kink in things.The long journey was worth it, though.I arrived late Monday afternoon to dreamy Seattle summer weather sunny and a little crisp.As I mentioned in my last post, Im here for a meeting of the National Fisheries Institute executive committee, and I had just enough time to check in to my hotel room, shower, and head out for a welcome dinner with the group.Our transportation to the restaurant was a beautiful boat ride down Lake Washington.It doesnt get much better than a tour of Seattles stunning waterfront while sampling simple seafood hors doeuvres.

There were big pieces of crab meat with a creamy, lemony dip and little squares of seared tuna with a teriyaki dip.
After we parked in this crowded lot
we headed in to Daniels, where I continued my fish feast.I ordered the salmon special (top picture) and ate just about every bite.Tuesday was the big committee meeting, and today Lloyd arrives, flipping this trip from business to pleasure. For our official post-deployment vacation, were spending two nights in Seattle, two nights in Portland, a night in Redwoods, two nights in Sonoma, and a night in San Francisco before catching a flight to Texas for Lloyds sisters wedding.Updates on all our adventures to come!