roasted cod from Cafe Zelda

Im wrapping up the summer and my eligible travel time (Im supposed to stay put in South Carolina after 32 weeks) with a few trips along the east coast. Today Im working from Newport, RI while Lloyd attends a course at the Naval Justice School. I tagged along because we have a wedding in Vermont this weekend, which well drive to Friday afternoon. And because New England is a much more desirable place to be at 7 months pregnant than steamy South Carolina. Also on the schedule for August is a work trip to DC and New York in a week and a half and Labor Day weekend with friends in the Outer Banks. Notice all these migrations have me heading due north. Seafood is front and center on my nutrition check-list now that Im officially in the third trimester and babys brain is growing like gangbusters. So Im fitting in fish whether Im at home or on the road. Last night I got roasted cod from Caf Zelda, which was a little under-seasoned, but cooked perfectly. Im really looking forward to revisiting Lobster Night tomorrow.