roast cod with pomegranate-walnut sauce from @preventionmag

The trip we took with Lloyds parents to Maui and Kauai last week was so deeply relaxing, it took us just shy of ten days to snap out of our tranquil state and acknowledge normal life duties like going to the grocery store and cooking. I kept technology to a minimum on the trip, including cameras, so youll have to take my word for it that I ate seafood about nine times and every bite was fresh and fantastic. My favorite restaurant was Mamas Fish House in Paia, Maui. They actually tell you on the menu the name of the fisherman who caught each seafood dish.
I got all caught up on my food magazines while on vacation, and am excited to make all the new recipes I tore out. First up was roast cod with pomegranate-walnut sauce from Prevention Magazine. I used regular quinoa and red onions instead of garlic. It was super quick and delicious I loved the sweet sauce and the crunchy walnuts. For a peek at some of the other recipes Ive tagged to make, check out my pinterest recipes board here.