New Microsite Exposes Faces Behind Myths About Fish & Mercury
NFI Calls Out Activists Jeopardizing the Health of Millions of Americans
May 6, 2013 Washington, DC Fed up with environmental and eco-lifestyle activists issuing phony warnings about eating fish, the National Fisheries Institute (NFI) launched a new microsite to correct dangerous misinformation about seafood and mercury.
The site The Truth About Fish and Mercury will serve as a source of authoritative, science-based information. The site can be found at as part of
A space dedicated to debunking mercury myths is desperately needed because for years, activists have willfully fed an often lazy, unsuspecting and sympathetic media groundless warnings about eating fish, said NFI Vice President Mary Anne Hansan.
Americans already arent eating enough seafood to protect their health, resulting in tens of thousands of preventable deaths each year, Hansan added. Activists are literally scaring Americans to death.
The website notes a number of staggering facts, including:
- A recent Harvard study found low seafood consumption is the second biggest dietary contributor to preventable deaths in the United States, taking 84,000 lives each year a toll greater than diabetes.
- The American diet contains the second-lowest percentage of fish in the world 15 pounds, or less than one seafood meal a week.
- Children whose mothers eat no fish during pregnancy are 29 percent more likely to have abnormally low IQs, according to research from the Nutritional Neuroscience division at the National Institutes of Health.
Anyone who warns against eating fish is ignoring the significant body of peer-reviewed, nutrition science that shows a seafood-rich diet is not only safe, but extremely healthful , said NFIs Jennifer McGuire, MS, RD. People hear so much about what not to eat and dragging fish into that fear-mongering comes at a cost.
NFIs new site will expose activists risk-centric approach, correct errors in media coverage, and highlight the latest research on seafoods benefit-risk profile.