National Fisheries Institute Statement on the passing of Ray Jones

WASHINGTON, DC – June 22, 2021 — WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ray Jones was a long-time executive for Rich Products, but his reach and impact went far beyond one company.

Ray was a genuine advocate for seafood and a trusted voice in meeting with members of the House, Senate, and regulatory agencies. He addressed unnecessary regulations and defended rules that work, all in an effort to ensure retail stores, and ultimately American families, had access to safe, plentiful seafood.

When he retired in 2017, NFI’s Board of Directors passed a resolution naming him a Seafood Industry Leader.

He was truly a leader but also a friend whose work has had an enormous impact on the broader seafood community. It wasn’t just what Ray did that made him impactful but how he did it. His manor and integrity were hallmarks that will be deeply missed.

John Connelly


Contact Information

Melaina Lewis
(703) 752-8899