
Today I read a little
in the Dallas Morning News
about a 12-year-old girl who chooses to eat pescetarian style. This means no meat or poultry, but fish is
welcome. This is actually a fairly
common preference among several fellow RDs, and I suppose I eat this way about
85 percent of the time as well. It got
me to thinking about all the different “-tarian” variations I have encountered
over the years. Here’s a small sampling:

Vegan – Eats only foods from plants: fruits, vegetables,
legumes (dried beans and peas), grains, seeds, and nuts.

Raw vegan – Eats only unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit: all raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, fresh herbs and sea vegetables in their unprocessed, uncooked state.

Lactovegetarian – Eats plant foods plus cheese and other
dairy products.

Ovo-lactovegetarian – Lactovegetarian plus eats eggs.

Pescetarian – Ovo-lactovegetarian plus eats seafood.

Semi-vegetarian – No red meat, but eats chicken
and fish with plant foods, dairy products, and eggs.

Localtarian – Tries to eat exclusively
locally produced food, or as much locally produced food as is feasible.

Any other styles you’ve heard of?