Perspective On Canned Tuna Tests

If you find yourself reporting on the UNVL canned tuna tests you might want to keep this quote in mind from the lead researcher on the project. And let’s not be coy about what he is saying here– despite his own research into mercury in canned tuna, he suggests “problems” might present themselves only if a consumer was eating canned tuna for every single meal, every single day.

  • “It’s like anything else when you do things in excess that’s when problems occur. Most of the exposure to mercury are chronic, meaning they’re small doses over long periods of time. If you eat mercury, or tuna more appropriately, on a regular basis it has a lot of good things. It has omega -3 fatty acids, it has protein… it’s… that’s good for you. If you ate it every day, for every meal, with everything… that’s when you can start to have problems occur.” — Professor Shawn Gerstenberger, PhD