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  • Health Blog

    Consumer Reports Continues to Mislead on Seafood and Health

    We recently sent a letter to the editors of Consumer Reports once again challenging their chronic habit of misreporting and manipulating the facts on seafood nutrition. Their most recent distortion co...

  • Health Blog

    Mercury study is just that not about health or nutrition

    Some media outlets got it right. They looked at the Nature Geoscience, August 2013 study titled Mercury isotope evidence for methylation below the mixed layer in the central North Pacific Ocean and re...

  • Health Blog

    Business Insider and Emily Oster Continue the Tuna Myth

    Emily Osters new book, Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong-and What You Really Need to Know, has been getting attention for taking on some of the conventional wisdom about...

  • Health Blog

    Nutrition Journal Study Lacks Credibility

    The online-only Nutrition Journal, one of 200 journals churned out by a British for-profit conglomerate, recently released a study on the consumption habits of pregnant women that baselessly and speci...

  • Health Blog

    Scraping the Bottom of the Nutrition Science Barrel

    Who do you want giving you nutrition advice when youre pregnant, doctors and dietitians or a psychology student? If you trust a new study that eclipses the negligent rating and catapults itself into r...

  • Health Blog

    Environmental Defense Fund tells parents to ignore doctors, scientists, and federal health authorities

    Who should Americans trust more for nutrition advice: doctors, dietitians and the Food & Drug Administration or radical environmental activists? The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) thinks its the la...

  • Health Blog

    Moms Clean Air Force: A Threat to Public Health

    The activist group Moms Clean Air Force (MCAF) is once again whipping up fears about seafood trying to scare parents as a way to push a political agenda. And, ironically, its children who will suffer...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Seafood: A Healthy Choice or a Food to Limit?

    Rhetoric: The risks of methylmercury far surpass the health benefits of consuming even the minimum recommended amount of fish. Reality:“It is striking how much greater both the amount of the evi...

  • Health Blog

    Wellness Magazines… That Worsen Your Health?

    People who buy magazines for tips and information on healthy living are looking for simple, clear, reliable advice to improve their health and wellbeing. Whether theyre reading nutrition tips or lifes...

  • Safety Blog

    Buzzfeed Should Stick to What It Knows Best: Puppies and Pop Culture

    LOL. Win. Cute. omg!! No, this is isnt my latest text message conversation. These are actually some of the sections on Buzzfeed, a website that specializes in viral content on favorite cultural pastim...