FDA Warns Foreign Processor about Proper Fish Names

In a June 15, 2010 Warning Letter to Union Development Frozen Foods Co., LTD. in Taiwan, Republic of China, FDA warns the company that labeling a species with an inappropriate name would cause the product to be misbranded. The letter was issued primarily to note violations in the firms seafood HACCP plan for frozen Whole Gutted Salt Water Fish but FDA also pointed out the following:

We note that your HACCP plan refers to king fish with the scientific name, Scomberomorus commerson. The appropriate market name for this species of fish is Spanish mackerel. A product is misbranded under section 403 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act if it is not labeled with the appropriate common or usual name.”

The Warning Letter directed the firm to FDA’s Seafood List posted on the agency’s website to learn about appropriate market names for fish species.