NBC Finds The Devil Is In The Details (Part II)

I was pleased to see NBC responded to our request for a change to its April 20th story so quickly. The email from the Senior Producer for Standards and Practices is below. You will notice NBC hedges and returns a face-saving rewrite of the graphic we challenged– allow me to translate:

  • We were wrong, we will change it immediately.

Done and done.

Now we’re just waiting for a response to the request for a change to its April 19th story.

NBC Email:

Mr. Gibbons,

I received your email this afternoon and wanted to responded right away.

After communicating with the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Departmentour understanding is that stocks that are overexploited are not yet depleted, but are at high risk of becoming so.According to theFAOitwould be most correct toreport that”28 percent are depleted or at risk for depletion.”

Based onthe followingofficial FAO definitions this clarification would beboth fair and accurate…

Overexploited: The fishery is being exploited at above a level which is believed to be sustainable in the long term, with no potential room for further expansion and a higher risk of stock depletion/collapse;

Depleted: Catches are well below historical levels, irrespective of the amount of fishing effort exerted;

Wewill update our reporton Nightly.MSNBC.com.

Ihopethat this will address your concerns.

Thank you,

Geraldine Moriba

Geraldine Moriba Meadows

NBC News

Senior Producer

Standards and Practices

30 Rockefeller Plaza

New York, NY 10112