Moroccan salmon from Toucan Cafe

As an RD for the National Fisheries Institute, I spend a lot of my time educating the masses about the health benefits of seafood. Unlike many RDs who counsel clients one-on-one, I work on media stories and educational campaigns that aim to impact thousands of people. I wouldnt have it any other way, but do sometimes miss out on the personal stories of individuals making healthful choices and feeling great about it. This is why photos like the ones I got yesterday from my dear friend Sarah make me so pleased. Here is Sarahs six-year-old who has long been one of the best little eaters I know about to dig in to her delicious salmon dinner.

And her nine-month-old baby sister following in her footsteps.
Two gorgeous gals enjoying nourishing food lovingly prepared their mama melts my little nutritionist heart.
Lloyd and I grabbed dinner at the incredible Toucan Caf last night because we were in Savannah for a prenatal class, and of course I was inspired by the two tiny foodies to order the salmon. After all, I have my own fetal foodie in the making!