mong chong with mint and arugula pesto

mong chong

Nothing will get me to stop at the fresh fish market on the way home quicker than attending the Hawaii Seafood Symposium an update on the growing evidence of the profound health benefits of seafood consumption.Knowing that Lloyd would be back from Texas and joining me for dinner, I selected a big mong chong (a buttery white fish) filet and decided Id come up with a way to cook it when I got home.Inspired by a very robust crop of mint and arugula in my potted garden, I chose to make a rich pesto sauce for the fish.In addition to the pine nuts, I added a handful of macadamia nuts, which gave the sauce a mild hint of sweetness.Some sauted bok choy on the side made for a simple, speedy, super healthful meal.
Today after work were headed over to the island of Kauai for a last-hoorah weekend.Lloyd officially leaves for Afghanistan Oct. 30, which has somehow become next weekend.This week my job will be to put together some nutritious snacks to get him started over there dried fruit and canned/pouch seafood top the list.