margherita pizza with anchovies

Lloyd and I saw a movie over the weekend and stopped at Paulies Coal Fired Pizza afterwards for a bite to eat. You may recall that, historically, Lloyd and I disagree about the merits of anchovies as a pizza topping. I love them and he hates them, to the point that they ruin his half of the pizza even if theyre only on my half. A strange phenomenon occured now that Im pregnant, however. Lloyd proactively suggested we get anchovies as an addition to the Paulies Signature Pizza (tomatoes, basil, garlic, olive oil, and cheese). Turns out he can tolerate them so baby can get a powerful dose of omega-3s. And I guess I just luck out for being the delivery mechanism and liking anchovies.

In more efforts to boost babys brain development (and mostly just for fun), check out our new surround sound belly speaker system. Baby can listen to the exact same music I do (at a fetus-approved volume) when we go for walks.