Look Before You Leap

Last summer a study that showed some lean fish have more omega-6s than omega-3s resulted in headlines like Farmed tilapia may be no better for you than a doughnut.


Last week a survey from the Center for Science in the Public Interest that looked at common causes of food borne illness resulted in headlines like Eating those healthy veggies? Careful they can kill too.


Yesterday, the Physicians Committee for Responsible medicine said that fish does not protect against heart attacks.


And today, weve got the media asking Can Fish for Dinner Lead to Diabetes? A headline they base on a study whose own lead author questions the “clinical relevance” of his own findings and emphasizes that numerous studies have demonstrated beneficial effects of fish and omega-3 fatty acids on multiple risk factors associated with diabetes, and on heart disease.

Those of you eager to report doom and gloom, take a breath. Do some research and put things in their proper perspective and remember accuracy is part of your job, a big part.If youre having trouble remembering that tenet of journalism just as ask Jayson Blair or President Dewey, Im sure either would be a helpful reminder.