Kiwis Take On The Times

I’m sure none of you missed the New York Time’s attempt at covering seafood last week, a hack job that took aim at New Zealand Hoki. But what you might have missed is the next chapter-you see, it used to be the case that the Times or other outlets would print a shoddy story about seafood, the seafood community would cry foul and then the Old Grey Lady would say, “well I guess we’re just going to have to agree to disagree.” Damage done, basic journalism tenets violated and the story’s distortions remain on the record in perpetuity.

Times are changing and our friends in New Zealand know it. Not afraid to call the Times out forits misreporting the New Zealand Seafood Industry Council is demanding corrections and a review by the paper’s public editor. They’re cataloging their contacts with the Times and making a public letter available on their website.

That’s the kind of moxie the world wide seafood community should laud. For too long we’ve agreed to disagree; if writers are misreporting about our products and disparaging our community- speak up.

Back in January of 2008 NFI challenged the New York Times to get the story on mercury in fish right and not only did they have to run a correction the writer (now no longer with the Times) was publicly rebuked by the paper’s ombudsman.

Our New Zealand friends have a very good case against the Times who appears to have chosen sensationalism over facts and perspective once again. Hats off to the Kiwis for pursuing this one.