homemade pasta with gorgonzola sauce and shrimp

shrimp pasta
One of the silver-linings to Lloyd being away at training is that I periodically get invited to delicious dinners prepared by others.Sunday night, while many Americans were enjoying hotdogs and hamburgers, I was treated to an absolutely outstanding meal made from scratch by my friend Sarah. Because Sarah is a truly talented chef and doesnt require recipes, all I can tell you is that there was 2% milk, gorgonzola cheese, a touch of flour, and sundried tomatoes in the sauce.The shrimp were pan-sauted in a little butter and garlic.And the fresh pasta was pressed using a stand mixer attachment.I found myself thinking several times while eating those light noodles, that rich sauce, and those tender shrimp, what did I do to deserve this?For someone who does almost all of the family cooking, its such a tremendous treat to be cooked for.
The next day we spent 5 hours hiking La’ie Falls, so weearnedthat decadent cheesy sauce.
la'ia falls