Greenpeace Thinks Youre Stupid

It would appear Greenpeace thinks its potential donors have been living under a rock or haven’t read a newspaper since July. Just yesterday the once-proud activist group stooped to sullying its name, again (read ahhhh-gain), in order to scare supporters into coughing up their hard earned cash.

This timeit let supporters know that, “In a paper published in the leading scientific journal Science, marine biologists projected that most commercial fisheries would collapse by 2048 if current trends continue.”

And Greenpeace is right such a paper was published in Science back in 2006-however Greenpeace absolutely 100%, without question, knows that the author of that paper updated his research just this past July and that work was also published in the journal Science. His latest work says that 2048 statistic was wrong. The researcher himself even said he hopes to host a seafood party in 2048.

Greenepeace knows it is being disingenuous when it uses that 2048 statistic and apparently doesn’t care about distorting the record as long as it raises cash. Just like everyone else Greenpeace read the stories that came out after the 2048 statistic was put to bed; Seafood extinction fears unfounded, study finds, New hope for fisheries, Having Fish and Eating It Too.

Greenpeace knows it’s pedaling distortions in order to make money but who can really blame em– how else is it going to pay for that shiny new 30 million dollar boat it just ordered. Oh, you hadn’t heard about that. Yeah, apparently there’s no economic belt tightening going on at ole’ Greenpeace, but come on who doesn’t need a boat, with a helicopter pad of course,that fits 32 while the rest of the world claws its way out of a recession?