corn bread stuffing with shrimp and andouille from @fandw

What a full, fantastic Thanksgiving. I was fighting off a bout of autumn illness the whole time, but cant think of ten people Id rather be surrounded by in sickness or in health. Lloyd and I; Lloyds parents; his sister, Meghan; Meghans husband, David; my parents; and my three sisters, Carlie, Ali, and Anna all gathered up at the McGuire family ranch in Bryan, TX.
We spend time cheering on opposing football teams
(Lloyd is a diehard Texas A&M fan, while Ali and Anna pictured and David cheer for the UT Longhorns)
Shooting guns
(Lloyd and my dad conducted a gun lesson for Ali and Anna)
Watching movies
(Here are Ali, Lloyd, Anna, and Meghan)
Snuggled by the fire pit
(Anna and Carlie)
And cooking
I think its the combination of sweet and savory dishes that make Thanksgiving fare so delicious, so its really hard for me to isolate one item as my favorite, but I was pretty proud of the corn bread stuffing with shrimp and andouille. It had a nice smoky kick, which is a little unexpected on Turkey Day. But always welcome.
The thankfulness continues this week because Im finally back home in Hawaii and couldnt be more thrilled to be here. We only have six months or so left in this gorgeous place (well know where the Marine Corps will take us next in early 2012) so Im hoping to stay put as much as possible.