Carting Away the Science?

The gall of NFI not being afraid of Greenpeace. How dare NFI not cower in the corner at the specter of teenage volunteers clad in rainbow gear disagreeing with us, while their fearless captains sit firmly ensconced behind a $300,000,000 budget back at the Hall of Justice.

The horror, the horror.

Did Johnson have it wrong, and the last refuge of a scoundrel is running from the facts? Once again Greenpeace whacks away indiscriminately in hopes that people will get caught up in its style and ignore its lack of substance.


Their suggestion that the seafood community does not support NFIs approach to exposing opportunists like Greenpeace for its non-science based yammering is beyond belief (although maybe we can get some advice from a group that has to raise about $700,000 every day just to keep the lights on). The fakes at Greenpeace really dont like the spotlight turned on them, do they? It’s used to getting its way by bullying industry. Well, heres a voice that says were not afraid of you.

NFI encourages its members to engage with responsible ENGO partners and they have. The more seafood companies and retailers experience real sustainability partnerships the more Greenpeace is marginalized. Retailers who get a look behind the green curtain find a paper tiger who claims credit for things it didnt do.

So, while the latest round of rankings return to their coveted place in obscurity, the seafood community and its partners look to the future which for Greenpeace is yet another fundraising campaign.