• Health Blog

    Eating Fish Vital: Washington Post

    The Washington Post takes a break from reporting on the political storm du jour to highlight the importance of eating fish in today’s article titled “Fatty acids lower your risk of heart disease. ...

  • Advocacy Blog

    Reporters: You Can’t Put a Price On Accuracy… Actually Maybe You Can

    The price of accuracy in food reporting is a minimum of $177 million. ABC News’ parent company Disney is cutting a check to Beef Products Inc. for at least $177 million because its reporters chose h...

  • Health Blog

    Reporting On Tuna Study Fails Readers

    Not a Health Study When the LA Times and San Diego Union Tribune recently reported on a tuna study about contaminants in fish they both made a major mistake in their reporting… or, really, in what ...

  • Health Blog

    Eating more seafood has major impact on health, new study

    Encouraging new study Eating more seafood, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is one of the best things Americans can do for their health, according to a new study. Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Publi...

  • Advocacy Blog

    Michael Pellman Rowland is Not Here to Help You Learn More About Seafood

    Michael Pellman Rowland is not here to help you learn more about seafood. He’s here to turn you off of seafood and on to a vegan diet. While he doesn’t describe himself as vegan very often in pri...

  • Advocacy Blog

    Open Letter from Registered Dietitians

    A recent MSN Lifestyle article provided by Eat This, Not That lists the “20 Unhealthiest Proteins on the Planet,” and, in the process, makes several of the “Most Untrue Nutrition Claims on the P...

  • Health Blog

    Doctors’ Confusing Stance Ignores The Benefits of Fish… Sort Of

    Ignoring The Benefits of Fish is Malpractice Processed meat, sugary beverages, candy, and… seafood? One of these things is not like the others. Doctors Tom Rifai and Mark Liponis were interviewe...

  • Advocacy Blog

    ‘Eat This, Not That’ knows nothing about the healthiest fish to eat

    Consumers looking for information on the healthiest fish to eat, be warned: read this, not that. Laughably, Eat This, Not That touts itself as “the definitive resource for smart nutrition,” amo...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Fisheries Expert Says World Stocks Stable

    When marine ecologist Boris Worm proclaimed in 2006 that the “global collapse” of fish stocks would occur by the year 2048, media outlets took the bait, splashing hyperbolic headlines on the procl...

  • Health Blog

    Reporting on Reporters: Time Magazine

    Time Magazine is one of the most honored and celebrated news publications on newsstands today. And that may be part of its problem, no one gets their news from newsstands anymore. Despite its history ...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.