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Greenpeace Turns From Activism to Vandalism (II)
Yesterday they were defacing Canadian grocery stores and today they're bragging about it on the internet. Well, someone from Greenpeace is bragging about it-- the poor misguided foot soldiers who were...
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A Lesson In Environmental Ethics
Here's one you may have missed from the Earth Times. It would appear that The Environmental Defense Fund isn't just in the business of offering consumers wallet-sized seafood sustainability guides but...
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Greenpeace Turns From Activism to Vandalism
Surprising, no... unfortunate, yes. We've been warning for months that Greenpeace was prepared to move from activism to vandalism in an effort to gain media attention for its failed retailer rankings ...
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Guides, Lists, Logs, Contradictions and Confusion
Let me start by saying we are not opposed to efforts to educate people about seafood sustainability. In fact sustainable seafood is the life blood of our community. It's important for consumers to und...
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Get The Lead (make that mercury) Out
What would you think if someone sent you a gift promoting a sushi pocket guide that was supposed to, among other things, help protect you from the perceived evils of things like mercury... but the gif...
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Reuters Is Not Above Reproach (II)
According to the Reuters blog that tracks and responds to reader reactions to mistakes, none of its 2,500 reporters have made a mistake that's been called too its attention in the last 6 days. Wow, t...
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Here come the guides-- the Blue Ocean Institute, the Environmental Defense Fund and the Monterey Bay Aquarium have all launched sustainable sushi guides that not only conflict with red and green lists...
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It wasn't that long ago that NFI went head-to-head with the New York Times over its misuse of science and distortion of data in reporting about seafood. You might remember that led to not only a corre...
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"All of Thomson Reuters will also uphold the Reuters Trust Principles of integrity, independence and freedom from bias. This commitment is more than a source of pride. It is the core of who we are," t...
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Greenpeace Tries to Profit Off Of Pollock Scare Story
There is no doubt the economic downturn is hurting everyone these days and apparently Greenpeace is no exception. Take a look below at a fundraising email that went out on Friday. Greenpeace is using ...