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Hey, U.S. News and World ReportJust The Facts Maam
I don't know if any of you saw this misguided mess on U.S. News and World Report's site, but a blog called Fresh Greens claims to be looking out for consumers by naming 10 risky foods. Unfortunately s...
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Associated Press Issues Correction
In my last entry about the obvious problems found in a recent Associated Press article I noted that I had actually been fairly pleased with the recent state of reporting on seafood. As an example I no...
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I must first say I have beenpleased with the state of reporting on seafood lately. Not because I agree with it all but because when charged with reporting the facts, free of surreptitious agendas, the...
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Uninformed, spoon-fed, environmental activist rhetoric becomes the Ventura County Stars Opinion
No the Ventura County Star isn't the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal-but it still has standards... or should. Take for instance its latest unsigned editorial. The 600+ word opinion piece t...
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Extremists in Action (Part II)
It wasn't two weeks ago that I was scolding the Economist for a seafood sustainability story that relied on erroneous environmental activist data (not my opinion, mind you, just a fact.) But this week...
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Hawthornes Mercury Mania Continues
Let me start by saying, while I am sure he wishes it did, Michael Hawthorne's latest article on mercury has nothing to do with fish... or seafood... or even water for that matter. It has to do with co...
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A day after the FDA released an exhaustive, peer-reviewed, draft report analyzing the state of seafood science over the past 5 years that demonstrates just how much the benefits of eating seafood outw...
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Actor Jeremy Piven is in full damage control mode. Ever since his wacky mercury poisoning "diagnosis" and subsequent flight from Broadway he's been laying low-recuperating... except when there are awa...
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Facing the Facts on Sustainability
Perhaps The Economist isn't a paper you read regularly... at the risk of having a Sara Palin / Katie Couric moment I'll admit I've let my Economist subscription laps. Thankfully Stetson Tinkham, our d...
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The New York Times Weighs In On Mercury And Fish
Here at NFI, you could forgive us if we get a little wary whenever the New York Times takes up the issue of fish consumption and mercury. As you can see from the NFI on the Record section of our Web s...