• Uncategorized Blog

    Sushi Story Prepares To Sink Piven

    This week actor Jeremy Piven takes his "I got mercury poisoning from eating too much fish and had to bail out of your play" argument before an arbiter as the play's producers seek money from the hard-...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Responsible Journalism

    It was just yesterday that I sent the following letter to CNN International challenging its coverage of tuna. June 9, 2009 Byron Harmon Senior Executive Producer CNN International VIA Email Dear...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Celebrating The Oceans Through Distortion

    I have written it so many times I must sound like a broken record. When explaining the way Oceana prefers to communicate I say it, "continues to operate in that gray area between skillfully under info...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    An Early Contender For Title Of Years Most Misreported Seafood Story (Part III)

    Foodconsumer.org is regretting its error this morning. You'll note in this story that; "An article posted on foodconsumer was mistakenly titled "Tuna Getting More Toxic" and stated that "methylmer...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    An Early Contender For Title Of Years Most Misreported Seafood Story (Part II)

    In the past I have written that environmental activist groups like Oceana, "continue to operate in that gray area between skillfully under informing and blatantly misinforming." It would appear that f...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Scientists Dont Trust Greenpeace, Why Should You?

    So, today Greenpeace is firing up its well oiled PR machine and releasing yet another set of seafood sustainability retailer rankings, this time in Canada. Surely it will tell a recycled tale of woe a...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Devil Does Journalism (Part IV)

    Sometimes silence is golden and other times it's deafening. While fashion blogs call Vogue's seafood article "yellow journalism," industry scribes explore the fashion mags missteps and main stream me...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Devil Does Journalism (Part III)

    May 12, 2009
    Ms. Abigail Walch
    Vogue Magazine
    VIA Email Dear Ms. Walch: An article published in the May issue [Mercury Rising, Bronwyn Garrity] contains several outright falsehoods...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Devil Does Journalism (Part II)

    May 12, 2009
    Ms. Abigail Walch
    Vogue Magazine
    VIA Email Dear Ms. Walch: An article published in the May issue [Mercury Rising, Bronwyn Garrity] contains several outright falsehoods...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    The Devil Does Journalism

    I'm sure by now that plenty of you are familiar with The Devil Wears Prada, a bestselling novel that was turned into an equally successful film starring Meryl Streep as a world famous and incredibly d...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.