• Health Blog

    CSPI, Where Contradictions Always Find A Home

    Yesterday the Center for Science in the Public Interest released its distorted list of what it calls the "riskiest" foods. More than a few observers questioned why, for instance, CSPI insisted on clai...

  • Safety Blog

    Things to Consider When Covering CSPIs Latest Report

    The following fall under the category of, did you know? Did you know that the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is headed up by a lawyer? Did you know that by trade she's a lobbyist no...

  • Safety Blog

    An Outbreak Of Distortion

    Later this morning the scaremongers at the Center for Science in the Public Interest will be holding a news conference detailing what it says are the "top 10 riskiest foods" the FDA needs to pay close...

  • Health Blog

    Lead Researcher On Hypertension Study Says Findings Are No Reason to Avoid Eating Fish

    Earlier today, a study was published in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association, that suggested mercury in fishmay be linked to increased blood pressure among a population in arctic Ca...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Oceana, The B Team Of Sustainability Distortion

    Oceana, long a Greenpeace wannabe, with lesser credentials and even lesser reach is trying to pull its own Alaska pollock type rhetorical attack on Pacific whiting. Here's an article in which Oceana s...

  • Health Blog

    Piven A Pescaholic?

    Is one time pescatarian Jeremy Piven a pescaholic? It would appear that he just can't stop eating fish, despite erroneously claiming he came down with mercury poising from eating too much seafood. You...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Someone Alert The Times

    I wonder if the Old Grey Lady rolled out of bed this morning and upon reading the New Zealand Seafood Industry Council's latest press release said, "dough!" You see, it wasn't but just a few weeks ag...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Greenpeace Thinks Youre Stupid

    It would appear Greenpeace thinks its potential donors have been living under a rock or haven't read a newspaper since July. Just yesterday the once-proud activist group stooped to sullying its name, ...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Kiwis Take On The Times (II)

    The New Zealanders aren't backing down from their complaints about the New York Times reporting on Hoki. In fact they're expanding their effort to get multiple editors at the Times to review the repor...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Kiwis Take On The Times

    I'm sure none of you missed the New York Time's attempt at covering seafood last week, a hack job that took aim at New Zealand Hoki. But what you might have missed is the next chapter-you see, it used...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.