• Sustainability Blog

    Dr Oz Way Off On Fish Facts

    If any of you saw the Dr. Oz Show (you know the Oprah TV doctor) on Tuesday you probably saw his segment on eating fish. Quite frankly we were surprised at just how off base Dr. Oz was on this one. Ge...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    CBS And BPA (Part III)

    It would appear CBS News has gone into full hunker mode. You know the type deny, deny, deny. Well, we've got some legitimate questions that we want the Black Rock folks to answer and we're going to ke...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Rubber Duck Author Steals Sue Kwon’s Mercury Trick

    Ever since last Friday's statement from the U.S. FDA concerning the alleged health effects of Bisphenol A, activists have been engaging in a full court press on the issue even in the face of the fact...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    CBS And BPA (Part II)

    This morning, as feared, we are seeing the erroneous parts of Kelly Wallace's CBS News report on BPA recycled as fact on the internet. With evidence of that disturbing trend in hand I reached out to C...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    CBS And BPA

    Yesterday CBS's Early Show reported on the latest FDA interest in Bisphenol A, better known as BPA. This time they were talking about BPA in canned food. As part of their story reporter Kelly Wallace...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Alaska Pollock Is More Than A Good Alternative

    Bear with me here of a moment as I review the last few days in the life of Alaska pollock-on Wednesday the fishery was cleared for Marine Stewardship Council recertification and then on Thursday Monte...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Farming For Facts

    Two days ago we reached out to CNN.com after a column on their web site erroneously characterized farmed salmon and sourced unqualified environmental activists in a piece about nutrition. As they ha...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    A Doctor, An Editor And A Farmed Salmon Walk Into A Bar But This Ones No Joke

    Sometimes agenda-driven writers or fast-talking physicians will pepper their work with enviro-half-truths just to get a message out there... or maybe they're doing 10 other things besides their nutra-...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Disinformation Finds A News Peg

    A piece of seafood news out of Japan has been attracting plenty of attention these, I'm talking about a giant bluefin tuna that was auctionedearlier this week for the astounding price of $177,000 or 1...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Tuna Tales

    For starters, who is Michael Byrd and what is he talking about? Well, according to his column in the American Chronicle he's a former physical therapist who doles out nutrition advice that is appa...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction, keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Chief Strategy Officer Gavin Gibbons.