• Uncategorized Blog

    KGOh Give Me A Break

    KGO-TV in San Francisco joins the legions of local news operations who have had reporters catapulted to the heights of Woodward and Bernstein by testing local fish for mercury with the help of agenda ...

  • Health Blog

    I Wonder If Time.com Has A Subscription To

    the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR.) Apparently CJR finds, in its latest edition, that the online version of many a magazine is lacking in the conventional copy-editing and fact-checking department. ...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Taking The Time To Get The Story Right (Part IV)

    The editors at Time have made change after change to this story, trying to bring it up to their standards, but perhaps a forest-for-the-trees issue has set in. You see, you can report the facts to the...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Taking The Time To Get The Story Right (Part III)

    Time.com has once again edited its piece on tuna. Thats two sets of corrections in two days. But were really at a point where the piecemeal editing and backtracking has exposed grave flaws in not only...

  • Health Blog

    When attrition begets contrition is it enough?

    Attrition is defined as, the wearing away of a surface, typically by friction or abrasion. In the case of our on-going challenge to Time Magazine to print the true story on tuna I have to wonder aloud...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Taking The Time To Get The Story Right (Part II)

    Well, Time.com sure made some significant changes to that tuna article it botched yesterday. But heres the questionis begrudgingly editing an erroneous report in order to come more in line with the ac...

  • Uncategorized Blog

    Taking The Time To Get The Story Right

    When I think if Time magazine, or even Time.com for that matter, I dont think of agenda driven hacks or sloppy sensationalists trying to out do the competition. I think of solid journalists who, for t...

  • Health Blog

    Examiner.com: The Webs Leading Source For Junk Journalism

    Examiner.com is an interesting publishing model that hints at the future of journalism; citizen reporters lending their eyes, ears and expertise to an evolving, organic news site. But what can sound ...

  • Health Blog

    Dr. Oz — Way Off On Fish Facts (IV)

    I have some medical advice that Dr. Oz might be interested in hearing about. You see, its quite possible that his ears are burning these days and that might mean one of two things; one, he might nee...

  • Health Blog

    Hello Health Day (Part II)

    Quick Update: So, we got Health Day's attention and they produced, as promised, another article that was a little less bias and a little more inclusive this time around. Their re-write can be found he...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.