• Health Blog

    Scientists Demand FDA Release 2009 Draft Report on Fish and Pregnancy

    If you follow this blog or fisheries news at all you know that overwhelming evidence has been piling up concerning the benefits of fish consumption during pregnancy and you might also know the joint 2...

  • Health Blog

    Dr. Oz Back On The Radar

    One time is a mistake. Two times is a pattern.Back in January Dr. Oz produced a TV show where his advice on fish consumption and his discussion about mercury were way outside the latest up-to-date med...

  • Blog

    Enough With The Faux Food Safety Scares Already

    If necessity is the mother of ingenuity, what is desperation? Perhaps shes the aunt who talks a little too loudly at family functions and whose stories dont always mesh with the facts but you put up w...

  • Health Blog

    Big News

    Not eating seafood can be really bad for your health and government communicators need to step up and explain thatthats the conclusion of a new World Health Organization report developed in conjunctio...

  • Health Blog

    Disinformation For Mother’s Day

    In the PR game, one of the oldest news hooks in the book is to base a story on an upcoming holiday. While it's cheesy, it's also effective, and can help get even the most mundane story into print.Earl...

  • Health Blog

    Hollywood Mogul Decides to Follow In Piven’s Dubious Footsteps

    As everyone in the world seems to know, some fish stories are so good people can't help but tell them over and over again, and even borrow them from one another.A reminder of that phenomenon came out ...

  • Safety Blog

    Dont Drown The Gulf In Misinformation

    The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an ecological and human disaster that will surely effect not only the fragile habitats where shrimp and oysters are harvested but the very core of the community ...

  • Health Blog

    Perceptions Of Seafood Safety A Must Read For Reporters

    Time and time again we see local TV stations recycling the ole testing mercury in fish story. We have literally seen the same story in dozens of local markets across the country over the course of fiv...

  • Health Blog

    Perspective On The Press

    Despite all of the push back and holding of journalists accountable that you might read on this blog theres an underlying truth that we might sometimes lose sight of while engaging in all of these ind...

  • Health Blog

    Edward Groths Fish Facts

    Yesterday Dr. Edward Groth III of the Mercury Policy Project announced the launch of a new website designed to provide 'mercury facts' that stand in contrast to ones provided by sites like this.On jus...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.