• Health Blog

    The One, Two, Omega Three punch of Tuna and Salmon

    In the final 15 minutes of yesterday's edition of Today, the show's diet and nutrition expert, Joy Bauer, appeared in a segment that examined the five foods kids should be eating. The question is gett...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Fraud Is Fraud

    Busted. This time a New Jersey seafood importer is headed to the clink for 22 months for fraudulently importing pangasius and was ordered to pay $64 million in restitution for evading tariffs. 6...

  • Blog

    Pangasius And The Folly Of Protectionism

    It was in this very space seven days ago that the ills of a business model that includes stifling competition by attempting to regulate imports out of the market with exaggerated attacks and twisted f...

  • Blog

    Catfish: Deep Fried Distortion

    The special interest, anti-competition lobby is expert at misrepresenting data and warping anecdotal tales of woe into food safety scares that have little or no validity.Today they are at it again on ...

  • Blog

    Integrity Be Damned

    The integrity of the seafood industry doesnt lie solely in the marketing of a single fish or the sustainability story of a single species. It lies with the ability of a community of competitors to loo...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Oprah Steps Into Sustainable Seafood — With Predictable Results

    If you read this blog with any regularity you know we're constantly reminding the press about our objections to many of the seafood pocket guides that have been proliferating in recent years. In short...

  • Health Blog

    Fact Checking the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on Fish and Mercury

    It's been a little more than a year since the Hearst Corporation ceased publication of the print edition of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Since then, the newspaper has lived on as an online only pro...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Mining For Misinformation In The Gulf

    Profiting off of tragedy or at least attempting to is a theme weve seen before with the Gulf oil spill. Call it cashing in on a crisis, call it profiteering, call it whatever you want but its going on...

  • Health Blog

    Again With Jeremy Piven Seriously?

    We don't mean to beat a dead horse, but every time Jeremy Piven comes out to tell his story about sushi and mercury, NFI feels the obligation to remind the rest of the world that we think his story do...

  • Health Blog

    Can You Trust Your Television Doctor?

    The economy may be down but the television doctor business is booming these days. You cant turn the channel with out bumping into characters like The Doctors or Dr. Oz. It was only last week that both...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.