• Health Blog

    A Seal of Disapproval for Good Housekeeping (Part II)

    So, its been a few days since we blogged about Good Housekeepings write-up on tuna and we thought perhaps it was time to reach out directly to the folks who affix that well known seal to products we u...

  • Health Blog

    Today Gets It Wrong on Fish and Mercury Again

    In the last five months, we've had quite a few reasons to be disappointed with Today Show anchors, reporters and producers over errors theyve made about fish consumption. We first tangled with Today d...

  • Health Blog

    Great Schools Gets an “F” on Tuna and Mercury

    We recently came across another of those lists that the media is so famous for. In this case, the culprit was a Web site called Great Schools and its five foods for school children to avoid. Included ...

  • Sustainability Blog

    On Tuna And Sustainability

    Yesterday at Greenpeace UK, posted an item on tuna and sustainability and not surprisingly it fails to tell the whole story.There is little argument over the fact that stocks of theiconic Bluefin tuna...

  • Blog

    AOL Falls Victim To Hype And Hysteria

    AOLs coverage of the Gulf from a food safety perspective has been thorough and accurate. But this article unfortunately plays right into the hyperbole and hysteria created by Food & Water Watch with l...

  • Health Blog

    A Seal of Disapproval for Good Housekeeping

    Earlier this year NFI tangled with the Las Vegas Review-Journal over its reporting ona University of Nevada Las Vegasstudyabout mercury in canned tuna. You can click here and here to read the letters ...

  • Health Blog

    Jillian Michaels is Not a Registered Dietitian

    I'm sure many of you are familiar with Jillian Michaels, better known as a personal trainer who appears on the NBC Television program The Biggest Loser. As it turns out, Michaels has quite a following...

  • Health Blog

    Dr. Oz Back On The Radar (Part III)

    It would appear that Dr. Oz is at it again... and so are we. Have a look at our latest letter:August 18, 2010Mr. Glenn MottManaging Editor and Director of PublishingKing Features300 West 57th Street 1...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Cosa Nostra meet Greenpeace?

    In case you missed the piece in the Toronto Sun about Greenpeace I have to say its a must read. The column titled Trespassing For Dollars outlines how Greenpeace breaks the law, abuses its standing in...

  • Health Blog

    Renowned University Corrects Doctor Oz

    I know I don't have to remind our readers that we've had to confront Dr. Mehmet Oz, better known to millions as television's Dr. Oz, over a number of errors and distortions he's committed during the c...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.