• Health Blog

    Reporters Get a Heads Up on the New Dietary Guidelines

    In case you missed this Washington Post article about the forthcoming, new, Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Its worth a read.Interestingly enough theres some targeted advice for doctors and dietitia...

  • Health Blog

    Can You Trust Your Television Doctor? (Part II)

    September 29, 2010Mr. Jay McGrawStage 29 Productions, LLC2401 Colorado Avenue, Suite 110Santa Monica, CA 90404-3585Dear Mr. McGraw,On June 8, 2010, I wrote you to express my concern that Dr. Travis St...

  • Health Blog

    A Seal of Disapproval for Good Housekeeping (Part II)

    Things have gotten rather quiet over at Good Housekeeping so we thought we'd ping 'em one more time. Keep in mind this isa publication that brags on its website that it"exercises strict editorial judg...

  • Health Blog

    Is There Such a Thing as TV Medical Malpractice?

    As regular readers of this blog know, weve challenged the advice of numerous TV docs and celebrity nutritionists (see previous posts on Dr. Oz, The Views Dr. Steven Lamm, Joy Bauer and Jillian Michael...

  • Health Blog

    Yes, But a Celebrity Said It

    Why is it that when a celebrity says something, whether its even remotely true, certain media outlets print, post and promote it like its gospel? Take for instance Rod Stewarts wife, uh his thirdnot c...

  • Health Blog

    NBC San Diego & Good Housekeeping; a Case Study (Part II)

    In real time folks-- NBC San Diego executive producer Sage WaetjenPiercehas responded to our letter and while it appears the station has decided it plans torun the story it will now featuring NFIs exp...

  • Health Blog

    NBC San Diego & Good Housekeeping; a Case Study

    The amazing thing about the internet is the immediacy. In real time things can unfold right before your eyes for better or worse. Take our interaction with the local NBC affiliate in San Diego.This af...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Certified Sustainable Shrimpnot hard to Find

    Sometimes Ill look at a news story about seafood that contains a mistake and say, Hmmm, howd that get in there? Usually theres an explanation; a statistical error, a poorly chosen source, a misunderst...

  • Health Blog

    Revisiting Safe Harbor Seafood

    We've featured several items about Safe Harbor Seafood on this blog in the recent past. It's a company that's been trying to make a buck off of the misinformation that environmental activists peddle a...

  • Sustainability Blog

    AOL Columnist Hooked On Half Truths

    If you stumbled upon Sally Deneen's AOL column published under the banner Green Police, there are a number of things you should keep in mind.

    Because apparently the eco cops asked Sally to ...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.