• Safety Blog

    Seafood Safety and the GAO

    Theres been a bit of breathless reporting on the new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on what the FDA needs to do to improve oversight of imported seafood. In many cases the headlines rep...

  • Health Blog

    Times Misses the Boat with Tilapia Tale

    From a past encounter with the New York Times, one that ended with a correction from the Times and a rebuke by the papers ombudsman, we know that the Old Grey Lady aint what she used to be. But Im not...

  • Health Blog

    Seafood During Pregnancy – Making the Message Stick

    After years of confusion about eating seafood during pregnancy, a respected and knowledgeable nutrition voice is helping to clear the air.In an article for the Huffington Post, Dr. Andrew Weil, founde...

  • Sustainability Blog

    A Note on the Retailer Rankings

    In this mornings USA Today the paper reports on Greenpeaces flawed and oft ignored retailer rankings. But whats caught my eye about the piece is not what they write but who is writing. It would appear...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Carting Away the Science?

    The gall of NFI not being afraid of Greenpeace. How dare NFI not cower in the corner at the specter of teenage volunteers clad in rainbow gear disagreeing with us, while their fearless captains sit f...

  • Sustainability Blog

    and this makes 5

    Greenpeaces retailer rankings have grown into a groundhog day of sorts and have led consumers to, by in large, simply ignore them. Likewise, despite the new stance by Greenpeace that has the group lau...

  • Safety Blog

    Starting to get it right?

    Are journalists trending towards facts over fear in their stories about Japan and seafood? If the Associated Press is any bell weather that may be the case. APs Q and A includes this:Q. Will ocean cre...

  • Safety Blog

    there’s no need for alarm

    Theres been a lot of hand wringing in the media lately about seafood from Japan. You know, the seafood t hat makes up a total of less than 1 tenth of 1 percent of the seafood we eat in the United Stat...

  • Safety Blog

    Facts about Japan and Seafood Caught in the U.S.

    The Albacore tuna caught by the U.S. troll & pole fleet are migratory warm water fish. They journey widely across the Northern Pacific Ocean following patterns of warm water and feed. Ten years of tag...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    A Focus on Fish Fraud

    The Orlando Sentinel has an article about species substitution today. No matter how you pretty it up its plain and simple fish fraud, a fact NFI members have known for years and have been working on t...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.