• Health Blog

    Washington Post Misinforms Readers About Seafood

    Carolyn Butlers article in The Washington Post, Eating fish is wise, but its good to know where your seafood comes from, takes good news about the health benefits of eating seafood and buries it under...

  • Health Blog

    A Letter to the Washington Post

    November 19, 2012 Mr.Patrick Pexton Ombudsman Washington Post Dear Mr. Pexton I am writing about todays article titled Eating fish is wise, but its good to know where your seafood comes from. Unfortun...

  • Health Blog

    roiling sea of … hyperbole

    Food reporter, Michele Henry, writes in todays Toronto Star: Choosing to put fish on your dinner plate might seem like a smart, healthy, even responsible choice. But surrounding these creatures is a r...

  • Health Blog

    Growing Pressure on Science Journalism

    A few weeks back, NFI issued A Call for Responsibility to end journalists reckless and lazy practices of colluding with agenda-driven activists, distorting scientific truth, championing inferior resea...

  • Health Blog

    Sherlock Holmes Off His Game

    His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge. -- Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlett (1887) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series, must have been turning in his grave Thurs...

  • Health Blog

    Seafood Fear Mongers Meet Jenny McCarthy

    Mainstream researchers, doctors and dietitians agree that fringe eco-gurus who promote mercury in seafood scare-stories are more and more exposed by ground truth science these days. When the extensive...

  • Health Blog

    Get it Right Garcia

    KNBC-TV in Los Angeles has an investigative reporting segment called Get Garcia, Get Results-- it's a catchy little local news moniker that I'm sure the promotions guys just love. But the problem is G...

  • Health Blog

    A Call for Responsibility

    A recent example of irresponsible and lazy journalism illustrates why science and health reporters need to be held to a higher standard. In early October, the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medic...

  • Health Blog

    Take Parts Nutritional Nonsense

    It doesnt surprise me anymore when people get information about seafood wrong and tuna in particular. But it does surprise me just how wrong they get it.Lets take for instance Andrew Freeman on TakePa...

  • Health Blog

    NBCNews.com Mercury/ADHD Study Headline: Epic Fail (Update)

    NBC has changed the headline--From: Linda Dahlstrom
    Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 4:11 PM
    To: Gavin Gibbons; Michael Wann
    Subject: RE: Issue with a current Headline on NBCNews.comDea...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.