• Health Blog

    Business Insider and Emily Oster Continue the Tuna Myth

    Emily Osters new book, Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong-and What You Really Need to Know, has been getting attention for taking on some of the conventional wisdom about...

  • Health Blog

    The Barrel Scraping Continues… this time at My Fox LA

    August 9, 2013
    Kingsley Smith
    Vice President
    News Director
    My Fox LA
    KTTV-TV Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to express serious concerns over an interview that aired on your stat...

  • Health Blog

    Scraping the Bottom of the Nutrition Science Barrel

    Who do you want giving you nutrition advice when youre pregnant, doctors and dietitians or a psychology student? If you trust a new study that eclipses the negligent rating and catapults itself into r...

  • Health Blog

    Questions For Mark Bittman

    After receiving a computer generated brush off from the New York Times ombudsman, who was apparently too busy writing about Sesame Street, Leonard Cohen, the 7-minute workout, Kanye West, and barbersh...

  • Health Blog

    New York Times Hides Spoon-fed Activist Rhetoric Behind Opinion (Part II)

    The latest on NFI's challenge to the New York Times as seen in thearticle belowby the Media Research Center:Accuracy must not matter anymore, at least at The New York Times. The paper scoffed at accus...

  • Health Blog

    How Much Philly.com Should You Believe?

    When Philly.com asked how much tuna kids should eat we took a close look at their reporting and found it... lacking. Here's a letter to their editors and watch this space for any response.June 24, 201...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Unmasking Greenpeace’s Retailer Ranking Shakedown

    Each year Greenpeace puts out a ranking of various grocery retailers, listed according to how much the retailers comply with the multinational activist group's demands on seafood sourcing. It's easy t...

  • Sustainability Blog

    New York Times Hides Spoon-fed Activist Rhetoric Behind Opinion

    In case you saw yesterdays Opinionator blog and thought it warranted some questions to the New York Times, we did too. More and more we see columnists hiding behind opinion when they spout spoon-fed a...

  • Health Blog

    A Clue that Beyonce May Be Pregnant? Seafood IS On Her Menu!

    With speculation growing about Beyonce is she pregnant or not? fans spotted a possible hint on her Tumblr page: Her dinner menu in France included Salad Nicoise, a popular salad topped with tuna. A ...

  • Health Blog

    New Microsite Exposes Faces Behind Public Health Harm Caused by Mercury Activism

    Disgusted with environmental and eco-lifestyle activists scaring you with phony warnings about mercury in seafood? So are we.Thats why the National Fisheries Institute launched a new platform The Tru...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction, keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Chief Strategy Officer Gavin Gibbons.