• Consumer Protection Blog

    Reuters Reporting Misses the Mark on Suspicious Mercury & Mislabeling Story

    August 28, 2014 Michele Gershberg
    Editor, Health & Pharma News
    Reuters VIA EMAIL Dear Ms. Gershberg, I am writing to express great concerns about your online article, Fishery mislabeling c...

  • Health Blog

    USA Today Botches Consumer Reports Reporting

    August 28, 2014 David Callaway Editor in Chief USA Today Dear Mr. Callaway, I was disappointed to find numerous, troubling issues associated with Linda Lombrosos article Pregnant women should not eat...

  • Health Blog

    FDA Blasts Consumer Reports Irresponsible Tuna Recommendation

    While Consumer Reports gives bad advice to pregnant women about tuna consumption the FDA says consumers should not fixate on mercury:"The Consumer Reports analysis is limited in that it focuses exclus...

  • Health Blog

    Rodale News editors expected to live to 120 and be capable of human flight?

    Emily Main and Leah Zerbe have done it again. You know them, the activists writing for Rodale News who have a long history of botching facts, skewing reports, and throwing the rules of journalism out ...

  • Health Blog

    Tinfoil Hat Brigade Wants To Be A Resource For Reporters

    Its been two weeks since the FDA came out with its new draft guidance for pregnant women on eating seafood and theres been a flood of reporting about it: Wall Street Journal FDA to Increase Calls for...

  • Health Blog

    Consumer Reports Gears Up For Another Tuna Tale

    June 25, 2014 Marion Wilson-Spencer Product Analyst Consumer Reports 101 Truman Avenue, Yonkers,NY - 10703-1057 Via Email Dear Ms. Wilson-Spencer, Thank you for reaching out to the National Fisheries ...

  • Health Blog

    Health Advice and Journalistic Responsibility

    After a few days of blog and twitter banter that saw a hyper-defensive Michael Hawthorne refusing to acknowledge and or correct his now comically slanted reporting, on the FDA's new advice to pregnan...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Burying The Lead

    In case you came across yesterdays Farm Raised vs. Wild-Caught Fish headline on NorthJersey.com, let us save you some valuable time by summing it up: all fish, farm-raised or wild-caught, are a health...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Carting Away the Embarrassing Irony

    In case you missed the industry trade press today theres an interesting twist to the Greenpeace retailer rankings. The groups Oceans Director goes off on NFI and MSC. His take on critiques of Greenpea...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Please, Give Us Your Money And Dont Take Us Seriously

    Successful halftime acts at the Super Bowl often follow up their hit-making, jaw dropping or nostalgic performances with the announcement of a world tour. During the game iTunes struggles to keep pace...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.