• Sustainability Blog

    NFI Crab Council Seeks New Asia Liaison

    The National Fisheries Institute's (NFI) Crab Council is looking for a new Asia Liaison. The position is the primary in-region contact for the Council's fishery improvement projects and works collabor...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Greenpeace The Remora Of Global Seafood

    If you read the seafood trades today you might have noticed coverage leading up to this week’s SeaWeb Seafood Summit. Undercurrent News talked to migrant rights’ activist Andy Hall who, “praised...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Greenpeace Illustrates How Out Of Touch It Can Be

    As Greenpeace continues its efforts to raise funds by randomly attaching itself to any issue it thinks will garner a headline, the group’s hyperbolic talking-point- diarrhea has apparently struck ag...

  • Trade & Commerce Blog

    Exploiting Labor Challenges for Profit

    Labor and labor violations are serious business and should be addressed by those who are serious and have an agenda that is serious. Agitators who seek to profit from the difficulties posed by labor c...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Seafood Fraud Gets Costly In San Diego

    In case you were wondering, the City Attorney in San Diego does not mess around when it comes to menu mislabeling. If you think it’s a good idea to defraud consumers by putting one fish on the menu ...

  • Health Blog

    Open Letter To The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Media Relations Office

    We read with great interest your release titled Higher Levels of Fukushima Cesium Detected Offshore. Quick question for you. Are you trying to scare consumers and negatively impact the lives of har...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Journalistic Failures of Newsweak

    It’s embarrassing from a reporting perspective for Newsweek to allow the narrative and the voices in this seafood sustainability piece to go unchallenged, when governments across the globe are spear...

  • Sustainability Blog

    Greenpeace bottomed out?

    Greenpeace’s credibility has been plummeting for years. Stunts like damaging Peru’s ancient Nazca lines and holding dance parties on multi-million dollar yachts have exposed Greenpeace as an organ...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Greenpeace & the Irony of Advertising Its Own Failure

    Promoting the next in its long line of colossal failures, Greenpeace targets American tuna companies by attacking them on billboards that are thinly disguised fundraising tools designed to fill their ...

  • Consumer Protection Blog

    Newsweek Botches Advice to Parents

    A recent article from Newsweek by Melania Juntti [11 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Kids] recklessly includes canned tuna among foods parents should not feed their children. This is not only wron...

Media Blog

    GG CCTV Screen GrabWhether it’s the tip of a hat for a job well done or a demand for correction keep up with NFI’s latest media work on the Media Blog from NFI's Vice President for Communications Gavin Gibbons.