• Health Blog

    fried lake bass

    Im in Texas now, and hows this for a Texas dinnerfried fresh-caught bass from the lake out back, coleslaw, and sweet potatoes.I used to maintain that fried seafood was a waste of calories because you ...

  • Health Blog

    take-out sushi

    Take-out sushi always seems fitting both the night before and the night after a trip. Fulfilling the front end, we got a fresh and delicious assortment of nigiri and rolls for dinner last night from N...

  • Health Blog

    pasta with tuna, garlic, and lemon

    I was in full-blown hostess mode at Lloyds send off party last Friday at Mexitlan Grill, so I didnt get the chance to snap a pic of the delicious shrimp (and chicken and beef) fajitas we ate.Youll hav...

  • Health Blog

    sauted sea scallops with chickpea salad and yellow pepper-tahini vinaigrette

    Yesterday I narrowly avoided what can only be described a potentially devastating disaster when I remembered, only at the very last second, to add magical yellow pepper vinaigrette to our scallop dinn...

  • Health Blog

    mahi mahi on a plane

    I am home, and had a surprisingly amazing seafood meal on my way here. Look at this mahi mahi with a tasty lime cream sauce, green beans, rice, and a whole grain roll all prepared and served on a pla...

  • Health Blog

    San Diego seafood

    I have been in San Diego the last several days for the National WIC Association 2010 Biennial Nutrition Education & Breastfeeding Conference, and this town is right up my alley.Its a fantastic combina...

  • Health Blog

    tuna and basil salad on kalamata olive bread

    I am thrilled to report that Lloyd arrived home. And, coincidentally on the same day, so did my good camera.Unfortunately, L and I only get a few days together before I take off for a week-long work t...

  • Health Blog

    angel hair pasta with tomatoes and shrimp

    Lloyd returns from over five weeks of pre-deployment training tonight, and Im actually feeling too excited to write about seafood, if you can believe it. So Ill keep it simple by saying I was treated ...

  • Health Blog

    opah with yellow pepper-tahini vinaigrette over arugula

    My lunch today sounds a lot more swanky and elaborate than it was. The only ingredients I had to pick up at the store were the fresh opah and the peppers for the sauce.I picked the arugula from my pot...

  • Health Blog

    homemade pasta with gorgonzola sauce and shrimp

    One of the silver-linings to Lloyd being away at training is that I periodically get invited to delicious dinners prepared by others.Sunday night, while many Americans were enjoying hotdogs and hambur...