Big Island sushi

sushi roll
Our Big Island trip was a blast.I dont like to be discriminatory, but have long maintained I cant be friends with finicky eaters.And I definitely cannot travel with them.Happily, the five of us girls were all on the same page of the Big Island guidebook best local, low-key restaurants.For dinner Saturday night, we tried Sushi Shiono.We all shared a boatload of food, literally, which included rolls, sashimi, teriyaki, and tempura.Everything was tasty, but the rolls are definitely this spots specialty.Sea life also made its way into our sightseeing.Check out this humpback whale tail and these gorgeous sea turtles we spotted
whale tail
Since I’m in guest recovery mode this week, my meal plan is easy as can be…
Summer rolls with coconut-fish sauce
Scalloped sweet potatoes with thyme (from April Real Simple)