assorted sushi


Well, it’s 12:38pm Hawaiian time, and I’ve been up since 3am. So I think that puts my bedtime right at about 6pm. Today I had so much to do toward getting caught up with my long-lost island life that I didn’t even fight my early morning jetlag. I welcomed it and got to work going through mail, unpacking, starting laundry, etc. – eliciting hostile comments from sleepy husband the whole while. Sorry, but I had overdue Christmas decorations to get up ASAP!

Lat night when I arrived after my 13 hour journey home from Washington, DC we got a quick and refreshing sushi dinner before immediately going to bed. Raw fish and rice is the perfect post-plane meal, especially when jetlag is involved and you can’t quite tell if you’re hungry or not. In my case, I was ravenous without a doubt, hence the sea of assorted sushi.