lemon pepper tuna with bagel chips

Today I am at the National Fisheries Institute office in Washington, DC for a day, before I head to New York for a day, before I head to Norway for a week!Im going with a group of dietitians to learn about the Norwegian seafood community.Norwegians love their seafood, and they love to share it with the world.Every day, 27 million meals of Norwegian seafood are consumed around the globe.Norway has over 50,000 miles of coast lining its cold, deep fjords.I am so fortunate to get to see it in person and meet some of the fishermen who live and work there.For once, I might actually be one of the lowest seafood consumers in the crowd.Lots of pictures to come, but for now, Ill show you the meal I chose on the plane last night.Good job, United Airlines, for offering a relatively healthful snack pack featuring lemon pepper tuna.