a sardine bite snack, whale carpaccio, cod cheek, and halibut

I am experiencing a major seafood blogging backup, due to an increased consumption of fish from 2-4 times/week to 2-4 times/day now that Im in Norway. Ill go ahead and post yestedays snack and dinner now, with the hopes to post todays breakfast, lunch, and dinner tomorrow.Yes, I had seafood for a mid-day snack and dinner yesterday and breakfast, lunch, and dinner today.I love it, and cant wait to tell you all about the creative new ways to eat fish Ive adopted from this beautiful country. First, heres the scoop on yesterday.We flew into Oslo, and then transferred to Bergen where we spent the middle of the day at King Oscar Sardines.The facility and people were lovely.For example, this gentleman has been in the sardines business for 30 years and showed us how sardines are (still!) packed by hand.We gave it a go with plastic sardines and I was, quite frankly, no good at the art of packing.

I was however, quite adept at eating the sardines. Look at these gorgeous appetizers.The nutty, nourishing sardines really set them apart from the expected hors doeuvre. This is takeaway number one:Impress your pals with a simple sardine bite. I dont have recipes, but Ill try my best to recreate these treats when I get home and share the ingredients with you. Nothing tricky.
For dinner, we went to the Enhjorningen (Unicorn) Restaurant. We ordered whale carpaccio for the table, which was a once-in-a-lifetime food I simply had to try. It was savory and meaty, which makes sense since it is a mammal. I also tried a bit of my friend, Tina Ruggieros, cod cheek. My mouth is watering simply typing about it.
For dinner, I had the halibut and loved every moist bite. If I ate seafood everyday, would I eventually tire of it? So far, the answer is no.