seafood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

As I mentioned, I ate seafood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday. And in the process, came away with a couple more takeaway tips from Norway.

Takeaway number two: Eat seafood for breakfast. I’m a big fan of savory flavors first thing in the morning, and a bit of smoked mackerel on whole wheat bread with a slice of cheese really hit the spot.

Takeaway number three: Open-face seafood sandwiches are where it’s at. We had a lecture at the National Institue of Nutrition and Seafood Research yesterday, and all ooed and awed when lunch was served. Not only do open-face sandwiches leave more room for nourishing “fillings” like seafood and veggies, they are gorgeously mouthwatering.

And now, on to dinner. It is going to be really difficult to put this meal fromCornelius Restaurant in Bergen into words. Maybe its just best if I show photos with a bit of commentary. The overall takeaway number four: Lest you think seafood is a medicine, it is a succeulent food meant to be enjoyed among friends.

The only way to get to the restaurant is by boat.

For the appetizer, we watched the owner, Alf, shuck a live scallop. We then proceeded to eat the scallop raw, enhanced by just a pinch of sea salt.
Meanwhile, the ingredients for dinner arrived.
Before dinner, we toured the gorgeous wine cellar, which featured stone walls dripping with water and a smattering of candles.
The dining room had the coziest mood lighting. OK, maybe second coziest compared to the wine cellar.
And its own shucking station.
Dinner was an absolute seafood smorgasbord including, but absolutely not limited to, the following dishes.
Today we took a fascinating tour of a Leroy salmon farm, which Ill write about tomorrow. Ill also included a few photos from dinner, which we ate at the wonderful Renaa Food Bar in Stavanger, where well be spending the day tomorrow (a quick flight south of Bergen).