ahi and eggs

My girlfriends and I have created a well-balanced tradition of running a 10k race on about one Sunday morning per month and then going out to eat for breakfast.Because races are all over Oahu, and we like to eat within 20 minutes of crossing the finish line, weve been able to try some yummy new restaurants beyond our usual neck of the woods.Yesterday we ran the Aloha State Games 10k, which featured a beautiful but painful route through the hilly neighborhoods of Diamond Head.Our reward was breakfast at the Diamond Head Market & Grill.I wanted a good mix of protein and carbs to replenish my depleted stocks, so I got the ahi and eggs with brown rice. Fish and eggs, similar to in Scandinavia, is a common breakfast combo here in Hawaii. The little slice of cornbread came with the combo and was a bit unexpected, but the perfect sweet bite at the end of a savory morning meal.