tuna sandwich on homemade honey white bread

One of my most exciting Christmas gifts this year was a Zojirushi Breadmaker from Lloyd. I’ve been toying with the idea of making homemade bread for a while now and made one mediocre loaf in the oven a few weeks ago. But this gift just turned my mild interest into a full-blown hobby. Three days after Christmas and three Zojirushi loaves later, I am comfortable saying I will positively never have to buy bread from the store again.

Monday we had a picnic at the gorgeous Valley of the Temples Memorial Park, and used our homemade bread in a meal for the first time (up until that point, we were just eating slice after slice with butter like savages). Though unintentional, the sweetness of the honey white bread and apples in the traditional tuna salad paired perfectly with the crisp Cupcake Chardonnay we packed.
Turns out there is a thriving recipe-swap community of Zojirushi Breadmaker owners online, and I cant wait to try out some of their favorites. Tuna sandwiches are about to get pretty fancy around here with recipes like these